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2024 elections | KZN police demand election overtime pay

Siyabonga Ndimande and Melusi Ndimande appeared briefly in the Manzini Magistrate’s Court in Eswatini.
File: House shape on a key.
File: Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) leader Julius Malema (R) talks with EFF Deputy President Floyd Shivambu.
Jessica King, Key Account Manager at Digital Parks Africa.
Avbob Investment Plan
JOHANNESBURG – The SAPS says it has begun the process of paying KwaZulu-Natal police for their overtime work during the elections.
Police union Popcru slammed management for not paying the officers, some of whom worked for over 36 hours.
Police spokesperson Athlenda Mathe says it’s a long process and some officers are still on duty.
“We have started ensuring that members get what is due to them,” she said.
“We have started with payments.”
